Senior UX Consultant

Sharon holds a BSc degree in Applied Biology from the University of Reading. Her analytical approach used during this has continued throughout her UX work and interest in quantitative research.
Sharon has a wide range of experience of working in-house and as a consultant across various sectors. She uses knowledge gained from this to bring a fresh perspective to all projects. From starting her career in digital content, Sharon developed a passion for user experience and usability. She got involved in research and has finetuned her skills over the years with a focus on accessibility and inclusivity.

Sharon specialises in:

  • Quantitative research including card sorting and tree testing for information architecture (IA) projects, surveys, A/B testing and analysing analytics data.
  • Qualitative research including usability testing, interviews, workshops and contextual inquiries.
  • Making research inclusive and accessible to ensure products can be used effectively by as many people as possible.

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